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Privacy policy

The type of personal data Kraftmuseet can collect is determined by the Personal Data Act. This applies to the entire operation of the museum, including the website kraftmuseet.no. The website uses log files, which collect information such as IP addresses, browser type, referring page, ISP, time etc. Such data cannot be linked to you as a person.

The website uses information cookies.


The Personal Data Act states that we must inform about how personal data received by the museum is used. This personal data is handled in accordance with Chapter II, §8 of the Personal Data Act.

Kraftmuseet collects personal data in connection with public contact and related to the museum's research, documentation, reporting and archiving. Kraftmuseet's activities are managed according to the following:

The museum will collect and document, secure, carry out research and convey history linked to rivers and water, hydropower production, electricity, power-intensive industry and the industrial city.

The museum will arouse interest in and collect material about the effects of hydropower production and power-intensive industry on society: Technical, economic, social, political, cultural and environmental, through dissemination and teaching, among other things linked to the museum facility in Folgefonngata.

The museum aims to become a national center for knowledge and advice on Norwegian hydropower history, and history linked to power-intensive industry and the surrounding society. The museum's aim is to preserve, manage and convey knowledge about the national cultural heritage Tyssedal Power Plant (Tysso I).

Who is responsible for handeling personal data?

The Director is, on behalf of the Kraftmuseet - Norwegian Hydropower and Industrial Museum (org. no. 971 356 944), responsible for how the company handles personal data.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2